Thursday, August 2, 2012

Friday, February 10, 2012

Saturday February 11th

Calling all Fingers & Toes!!! 2/11/12 9-12:30pm at the Hoffman Playhouse!We will be taking hand and feet prints for gifts for our Gala!!Please be a part of this amazing project! You will also receive a print to take home!! This will be taking place on the club gigi side.

Don't forget saturday programs are also happpening the same day! You can get 2 great things done in one day!!

Crawlers program from 9-10, then 2 and under group until 11:30 then Hop, Skip and Jumpers until 1:00. Stop by for some fun!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Happy Thursday!

Its almost the weekend and whats a better way to celebrate then with pizza and play? Come on down to the play house for open play and pizza lunch!! Maybe Mrs. Sandy will read us a story while we eat or maybe Mrs. Andi will play puppet show. You will just have to come down and see.

Open play is every Thursday from 12:30-2pm

Friday, January 27, 2012

kids club

January 28th 10:30am-Noon

gigishoeThis Saturday's Kids Club, we will be working on shoe tying and will be doing some interactive activities. We will use various fun techniques to help your child learn the steps and skills involved in tying a bow. If your child has already mastered shoe tying it would be great if he/she attended and helped coach a peer.
This is a preteen group of (roughly) 9-12 year olds

Please RSVP!

There is still time to re-name this program!!!
Some suggestions we have had are... Hi Five, H.E.L.P., Adventure Club... What would you name Kids Club?

Party down with Friday Friends

Wow those Friday friends really know how to have a party! In
January they had a Super Bowl party and February will be Mardi Gras, will you be there with them?? Look at the fun form January! Remember Mardi Gras party for Friday Friends is February 24th 7 pm!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Second weekend of the month bring lots of fun

It's a new year, so lets start it right and make it a goal to go and support our programs! Tomorrow is the second saturday of the month meaning we have a day full of programs.

Satruday January 14,2012

Crawlers 9-9:45am

The Crawlers program is focused on helping kids work the muscles needed for crawling and walking. This is a great time for parents to learn new techniques to assist their children in developing mobility skills from professionals
in the therapy field.

2's and under 10-11:15

2 & Under is a non structured program where the whole family can connect with other families. Stay after crawlers to network with parents with children in the same age range as your child! This is a great opportunity for the little ones to crawl, climb and get some PT time with their new found friends.

Hop skip jumpers/playhouse pals


This program is for children 3-8 years old. They always have so much fun they don't even know they are learning! In this program we focus on transitioning, social skills, expressive play, fine and gross motor skills!

Nuestros Angeles Hispanic Playgroup/ Polish Playgroup
January 15th, 2012 11-1pm
The Hispanic playgroup and polish playgroup have combined to make one fantastic group! Come play with us and feel comfortable speaking your native language.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Winter/ Spring Registration!!

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GiGi's Playhouse Hoffman Estates
Winter/ Spring Registration
We have learned that some of our families did not receive the registration forms in the literacy mailing, we are so sorry for the mix up!

Please use the forms in this email to register for the next session! The NEW deadline is January 4th, 2012!

Email it...Fax it...or Mail it....

Email to
Fax to 847-885-4903
Mail to 1069 W. Golf Road
Hoffman Estates, IL 60169

Thanks for your understanding and we hope to see everyone for the winter session! Happy New Year!
Download the Registration Packet!
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GiGi's Playhouse | 1069 West Golf Road | Hoffman Estates | IL | 60169

Registration for Winter/ Spring literacy extended!!

Registration forms for the Winter/ Spring Session! Deadline extended to January 4th, 2012!! Email, fax or mail in your registration!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

2 Babies, 1 Santa, Lives Changed!

At the annual holiday party, Santa had the privilege of meeting Olivia, a 1 week old baby with Down syndrome. Olivia and her family (including Grandma) came to the playhouse to network with other parents and see what GiGi's Playhouse is all about. What they also learned was that Olivia is a bundle of potential. That she will walk and talk and read. That they have instantly become part of a family that advocates for all the abilities that Olivia has! Mom's first impression of the Playhouse was that is was very warm and friendly and had something for her whole family- her other daughter who is 2, immediately played with other siblings and kids at the Playhouse(and stayed far away from Santa!)
Just a week before Olivia was born, another baby girl with Down syndrome was born at the same hospital. We can't wait to meet her as well! The Playhouse family continues to grow each week at everyone of our 11 locations. Each family is welcomed with a Celebration packet and told "Congratulations!" This is often the first time a family hears congratulations and GiGi's is proud to help each parent see their child as just that- their beautiful son or daughter.
Happy Holidays to all our Playhouse Families, Volunteers and Donors!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Happy Holidays

Its only part way through December and we have already done so much celebrating. We have had a christmas party with a special visit from Santa himself, then he met us again at Friendship Village when we were caroling!!

And we aren't done yet! This Sunday our hispanic group is having a christmas party from 11-1 and of course Santa will be here. Then on december 31 come celebrate new years at noon with us. It goes from 11-1.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

Please be on the look out for our email blast that has a the details on all the fun holiday activites coming to the playhouse!

Keep in mind that this week the playhouse will be colsed Thursday and Friday.

Please check the calendar to keep yourself updated on what is going on during the holiday season. Some programs may change dates or not happen depending on when they fall.

Everyone enjoy the holiday and all the fun shopping on friday and we will see you next week!!!

Hoffman Playhouse Staff

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Hope everyone is enjoying this Chicago land fall weather! The play house has so many things coming up in the next few months! When the holidays are with in weeks there must be something happening here!

November dates to remember

~Open play every thursday 12:30-2 pizza included!

~Saturday programs November 12

Crawlers 9 am

2's and under 10am Turkey Hand prints!

Hop Skip Jumpers 11:30 Thanksgiving activities!

~Nuestros Angeles 11 am

December dates to remember

~open play every thursday 12:30-2 pizza included

~Saturday Programs December 10th

~December 14th Caroling at Friendship village 7pm

Our halloween parties were a big hit this year!! Pictures coming this week!